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Talent To The Word

Door Sandra De Waard
Innovation | StudioXR

Talent To The Word

In the context of room for talent and the importance of time and attention for young people in the XR world, of course nothing is less fitting than to let our interns themselves have their say. That is why today we are talking to Aafke van Roon and Wessel Bus, two of our Junior Talents who would like to share what they find important in an internship or graduate program.


Aafke van Roon(Game Artist at the Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht) and Wessel Bus(E-commerce Designer at the Media College Amsterdam) are both4th year students. When we ask them what they are looking for in an internship, it is striking how close the answers are to each other, despite their different backgrounds.

“During my internship, I look for opportunities to be able to improve my skills [als 3D-artist], In addition, I want to be able to gain experience in the field and discover how to work well together within the team.”

Aafke van Roon

Junior Talent Game Design, StudioXR


Also when you look at the norms and values that both students find important behind the scenes at a good learning/working company, we see a lot of similarities. Room to develop on a personal and professional level are practically a condition that an internship must meet. It is therefore not surprising that wishes regarding internships often connect to open communication, personal support and the possibility to improve in a certain field; an Intrinsic motivation that is fed by the working conditions and space to develop yourself.

I think it is important that there is enough room to develop yourself, but also that you are involved enough with the rest of the company to experience what it is like to work in a larger team. At StudioXR, I get very excited about how they handle this.
Wessel Bus

Junior Talent E-commerce Design, StudioXR


From that intrinsic motivation, you see that development and growth actually follow naturally. And that’s great, because it also means for our senior developers that the workflow remains a well-oiled machine and everyone can keep each other sharp; a two-way interaction. After all, an intern on the shop floor is nothing less than a mirror … a mirror with talent!

“What I really like about working as a Junior Talent at StudioXR is the freedom to express my creativity and the nice colleagues to work with. They are always there for me and help me when I ask them for help.”
Wessel Bus

Junior Talent E-commerce Design, StudioXR


Something we are very proud of at StudioXR is the fact that we are perceived as an open and accessible team. As we mentioned earlier, we think open and clear communication both inside and outside the team is something very important. After all, communication is the doorway through which everyone comes in. When we ask our Junior Talents how they view this, this is further confirmed.

“When I found out that studioXR is an approved apprenticeship company, I contacted them right away. I got a message back very quickly saying I could come by for an interview. Exciting! But this did get me excited right away.”
Aafke van Roon

Junior Talent Game Design, StudioXR

Room for talent is something we take seriously every day. We look for new talent in several rounds each year to help complete their training. Would you also like to experience working in a vibrant multimedia team? Then follow us on LinkedIn and keep the site stay tuned

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