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The Eterna Concept Car – In Collaboration with TU/e

Door Sandra De Waard
Innovation | StudioXR

A clean, sustainable future

In a world where it is becoming more important every day to invest in a clean future, a sustainable car is of course unthinkable. The TU/ecomotive in Eindhoven thought so too, when they started developing the Eterna concept car; a car that would live longer than any other car.

Economical use of building materials

The Eterna consists of a top and a bottom that can be replaced independently, thereby maximizing the lifespan of the parts used. How? Simple! On average, a car lasts about twenty years. After those twenty years, the car is scrapped, even though perhaps not everything is actually “used up” or worn out. By splitting the car into a durable frame and a separate top, you save quite a bit of building materials if you only have to replace one part after two decades. And we at Innovam / StudioXR liked that concept.

Leading the Mobility Sector

As a household name in the mobility sector, we naturally find it incredibly important to invest in the future of our industry. After all, tomorrow’s future starts today and a concept like Eterna fits particularly well with how we envision that future: clean, sustainable and innovative, something we would like to see as many people and companies as possible working on. The Eterna concept is therefore something that should set a new benchmark worldwide. But how practical (and sustainable) is it to travel around with 2-3 cars? The answer: not. And we could do with that….

The Power of XR

Because we at StudioXR use the latest techniques regarding AR/XR, we were able to develop an app in collaboration with the TU/e in which we can show the Eterna concept car anywhere in the world, in any imaginable environment. It is of course possible to explain this to you in detail, but it is of course much more appealing if you experience it yourself. That’s why you can now download the Eterna app for your device free of charge. Click on one of the links below to get started.

Would you like to experience it too?

StudioXR cordially invites you to come experience the possibilities over a cup of coffee or tea.

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