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Behind the Scenes

Door Sandra De Waard
Media mbt Studios | StudioXR
The production of a film, corporate video or instruction, involves more than just a studio. Knowledge and skill is essential in creating a quality product. But not everyone understands how a camera works, how to write a script, or how to turn a green space into… well, pretty much anything. That’s why at StudioXR we think it’s extra important that you always have access to this knowledge in a pleasant and personal way.
Maurice Gresnigt has been working for Innovam/StudioXR as a cinematographer and studio coordinator since February 2020 and is certainly no stranger to the business. Even before becoming part of the team, he had several years of experience in the industry as an independent contractor. With his passion for and knowledge of moving images, Maurice is about as important in our studio as a camera or microphone.

For a team that stands for knowledge transfer, it is important to always look for ways to get the best out of a production. Maurice has come up with a great word for that.

“Multiply. Everyone contributes their part. Providing a logo, script, technology, content and much more: all experts and all different talents come together in 1 beautiful product.

When it all comes together, that’s what gets me so excited!”

Maurice Gresnigt

Studio coordinator, StudioXR

One of the things Maurice enjoys most about his job is working with different colleagues. Because despite his role in the studio being incredibly important, the work inside the green walls or set is only the beginning of a production. As studio coordinator, Maurice makes sure that the recordings run smoothly. And all in a very personal way.

“We all know the picture of the director shouting things at his actors through a loudspeaker. I don’t like that at all. I always come up to you.”

Maurice Gresnigt

Studio coordinator, StudioXR

Many people find it exciting or difficult to present in front of a camera. Finally, it is very different from giving a PowerPoint presentation in front of the class.

“Sometimes you do talk into the camera, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes you are engaged with your guests and at other times you are engaged with your viewers. I’m there to help you with that. I give you directions or where necessary I do it for you. Together we make something beautiful out of it.”

Maurice Gresnigt

Studio coordinator, StudioXR

When asked “how do you make sure your work is of the highest quality?”, Maurice’s answer is short and to the point; LEARN! At StudioXR, we think knowledge transfer and education are very important. One of the ways we do this is by making our own knowledge accessible. So, do you want to set up a film production, but have little or no understanding of what’s involved? If you are recording at StudioXR, there is always someone who can give you tips; down to earth and always friendly.

Would you like to experience it too?

StudioXR cordially invites you to come experience the possibilities over a cup of coffee or tea.

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